Breaking up with a person with Borderline Personality Disorder

Have you arrived here because you have been left behind or are breaking up with a "Borderline" - a person with Borderline Personality Disorder traits (BPD)? Do you feel wounded, betrayed, and with a need to protect yourself or children from an unhealthy situation?

People with traits of Borderline Personality Disorder often have a history of stormy and dysfunctional relationships. Former and exiting partners often struggle to disengage because of its intense nature and an often unexpected downward turn. Time doesn't heal all - in some cases it takes a village (therapy and a support group) to put it all behind in a healthy way. Read on:

  • girl with borderline personality
    Instable relationships are a characteristic of Borderline Personality Disorder -- but what does an instable relationship actually look like? This article describes a common and very confusing failure pattern that evolves over...
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  • Some partners of people with Borderline Personality Disorder worry that their relationship was just a game. It’s probably not true. I am recovering from Borderline Personality Disorder and I am a senior member at
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  • Few things are more intoxicating than a partner who is brimming with infatuation, or more inexplicable than to watch this same person become resentful and start disengaging for no apparent reason. In a relationship with a person...
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  • man with intense emotions.jpg
    I suffer from borderline personality disorder. My therapist suggested that I share my experiences with others to help them understand what is going on inside the head of a person with BPD. Should help me, too. This is my story:
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  • Is it borderline personality
    The answer is that there is no blood test or simple check list for personality disorders. To evaluate someone in your life requires learning about the disorders and getting a good sense of the persons emotional "lifetime" - how...
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  • As reported in a recent issue of the Journal of Neurophysiology, Rutgers University anthropologist Helen Fisher rounded up 15 people who had just experienced romantic rejection, put them in an fMRI machine, and had them look at...
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  • Broken Heart
    Grief from unrequited love can is different than other type of grief - it can damage a persons psyche. Feeling left behind, excluded, disposable, or deemed unworthy can lead to depression, narcissistic wounding and shame.
  • feelings of drepression
    What is Depression?Feeling down from time to time is a normal part of life, but when emotions such as hopelessness and despair take hold and just won't go away, you may have depression. Mild to moderate depression makes it tough...
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  • Struggle in Relationships
    Have you struggled in a relationship that had an inherent turbulence and chaos that never resolved. Here we break down the interpersonal dynamics at play in a relationship involving a person with Borderline Personality Disorder.
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  • parental alienation
    After the divorce it is not uncommon for one or both parents to share their frustration about the other parent with the children or in front of the children.  After fighting hard for custody in the courts for months, it's not...
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  • Charlie Scheen
    Message boards are replete with advice for partners in borderline relationships to go "No Contact" - effect a sudden cold silence, "change the phone number!", "block the e-mails!", "run away into the dark of the night". The...
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  •  Borderline personality and physical abuse
    When one partner has traits of Borderline Personality Disorder, physical intimidation takes place three times more often than in other relationships. In 21% of the relationships, the hitting was reported to be reciprocal....
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  • Codependent Relationship
    A funny thing about codependency is that when you are so focused on the another person, they become focused on themselves, too. Much of the love and intimacy in a codependent relationship is experienced in the context of one...
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  • Fear, obligation and guilt
    Fear, obligation and guilt are the transactional dynamics at play when we feel that we are being controlled by others. Controlling or being controlled is a transaction between two people with both playing a part; the "controller...
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  • DSM 5 - Borderline Personality
    Read the complete and unabridged classification of Borderline Personality Disorder as published by the American Psychiatric Association. This is a rare look at the definition used by professionals to ensure uniform diagnosis.
  • DSM 5 - Antisocial Personality
    The "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders," is a comprehensive classification of officially recognized psychiatric disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association , for use by mental health...
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    The "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders," is a comprehensive classification of officially recognized psychiatric disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association , for use by mental health...
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    The "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders," is a comprehensive classification of officially recognized psychiatric disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association , for use by mental health...